Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

benefits of leaf beluntas

Description of plant:

Grows wild in arid areas and rocky hard ground or planted as a hedge plant.
Require enough sun or a little shade. Many are found in coastal areas near the sea to a height of 1,000 m above sea level.
Small shrubs, growing to 2 m tall or more.
Much branched, finely ribbed, soft hair. Short-stemmed leaves, alternate layout, strands
ovate leaves breech. Tapering rounded edges, scalloped edges, glandular, 2.5 to 9 cm long.
Width from 1 to 5.5 cm. with a bright green color to smell fragrant when crushed.
Panicle compound interest with a flat shape, out of the armpit leaves and stalk end.
Hump-shaped flowers, or sit-stemmed, yellow-white to purple.
Fruit shaped somewhat longkah tops, small, hard brown with white corners.
Seeds are small, whitish brown. Propagation by stem cuttings is quite old.

Some of the benefits of medicinal leaves Beluntas as follows:Usability:
15 beluntas leaves brewed with a glass of hot water. After a cold, filtered. Lx drunk once a day.
Body odor and bad breath.
Some young beluntas leaves steamed and then eaten as a salad.
Aches - sore.
Some leaves beluntas brewed with a glass of hot water. This potion to drink 2x a day
20 beluntas leaves, roots tread liman 1 boiled with 1 cup of water until the water half. While drunk, lx day.
Waist and hip pain.
1 root beluntas, 1 kencur thumb, 1 thumb ginger, turmeric 1 thumb boiled with 1 cup of water until the water half. Lx drink a day, as well.
Beluntas root boiled in a glass of water Strain and drink once a day lx.
Sakil stomach.
20 beluntas leaves washed and knead until destroyed Pour a glass of hot water with a given bit of acid and salt, and then filtered. Drink while still warm. This potion to drink 2x a day.
Menstrual pain.
20 beluntas leaves washed and knead until destroyed Pour a glass of hot water with a given bit of acid and salt, and then filtered. Drink while still warm. This potion to drink 2x a day.

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