Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

The benefit Banana Skin For Health

for those of you who like a tropical fruit native to this one, go on, because it will not hurt you eating a banana is rich in vitamins and miral was, however turned out to be behind the fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals turns banana peel can also be utilized without the need in waste. Of a study in the American states that there are many benefits that can be derived from this one banana. Some of the benefits of a banana skin for a healthy body are:

1. Relieves pain
Vegetable oils contained in the banana peel has a certain compound is efficacious as a pain reliever. Stick the banana skin clean and fresh to relieve pain in burns or scratches.

2. Overcoming itch
Itching from insect bites or allergies can be treated with a mild banana skin. The way is to put them on the surface of the skin that itch.

3. treating warts
Banana peel is believed to have antiviral activity, so many are using it to drive the warts from the skin surface. You do this by placing a banana peel, then arrested with plaster and allowed to heal by itself.

4. Accelerate wound healing
Wound was dry itchy flaky dead skin as closed are hardening. The flakes can be removed more quickly just by applying a banana skin, because it will react with the enzymes contained therein.

Hopefully a few points about the benefits of the banana peel bisabermanfaat for you.

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