Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Benefits of Pineapple Fruit

Pineapple, tropical fruit is one of the good life in Indonesia, particularly in upland areas. Pineapple fruit, fruit that does not look beautiful when seen from the outside. With pineapple shape tbuah rough porters, no one imagined that the pineapple fruit is very good for beauty. Usually pineapple but can be used as an alternative medicine, many are also processed pineapple fruit that we eat often. Such as pineapple jam, pineapple and other Lotis.

Well, then on the times I want to share with you about some of the benefits of pineapple fruit for the health of our bodies are:

     Protein digestion, benefits of pineapple can be obtained because the fruit has the enzyme bromelain in bulk. Mini Enzi useful to facilitate the digestive process and as lozenges.
     Accelerate the wound healing process, another function of the enzyme Bromelain is able to accelerate the process of wound healing and reduce inflammation and swelling in the body.
     Serve as cleaners, cleaners benefits of pineapple as is also obtained from the enzyme bromelain which can help keep the acid levels in the blood to be balanced. Pineapple can also reduce levels of excess water from the body so that it can help cure diseases Edema.

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