Jumat, 06 September 2013

Cassava Stew Benefits For Arthritis Medication and Fever

You definitely know cassava. This fruit, in addition to leaves can be processed into vegetable, and fruit can also by a traditional food like getuk, cassava chips and other foods made ​​from cassava, it turns out, decoction of the fruit cassava, can be useful as well as alternative medicine you know.

Then on the times I want to give you information about Utilization of boiled cassava for alternative medicine defect and rheumatic fever.
1. rheumatic
a. Ingredients: 5 pieces of cassava leaves, 1/4 spoon whiting.
Method: The second material is finely ground.
Usage: as powder / sleep on the affected part.
b. Ingredients: 1 slice of cassava stem.
Method: boiled with 5 cups water to boil down to 4 cups, then filtered to take water.
Usage: drink 2X a day, morning and afternoon.
2. fever
a. Ingredients: 1 slice of cassava leaf stem.
Method: boiled in 3 cups water until boiling, then filtered to take water.
Usage: drink 2X a day,

Cats Whisker benefits as Kidney Stones Treatment

Cat whiskers. It is a medicinal plant which is very odd sounding name, but make no mistake, behind the strangeness of his name a million cats whiskers containing health benefits for our bodies. Usually the cats whiskers grow wild in the fields, edges own ends or in places that contain moisture.

Cat whiskers apparently from the root to the tip of the leaves can be utilized as a substitute for chemical drugs,. Because the cat's whiskers can we make as a herbal medicine to treat difficult urination, kidney stones, diabetes and back pain. how can? It could be why.
Well, here is a prescription treatment of some diseases terseut above along with cat whiskers measuring:
difficulty urinating
Fresh leaves cat whiskers fourth cell; 1 cup water, boiled to obtain fluid half cup, drunk every day 2 times and every time I drink 1/2 cup

kidney stones
6 g Herba cat whiskers; Herba meniran 7 trees of Water 110 ml, Made infusion, drink 2 times a day, each time drank 100 ml

20 strands of leaf cat whiskers; leaves a bitter 20 strands of Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day; 100 ml

Leaves 1 handful fresh cat whiskers; papaya bark area of ​​4 cm2 of Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day 100 ml

Efficacy of Betel Leaves

Betel leaf is very famous because the properties that can cure a variety of diseases, from nosebleeds (bleeding from the nose) until the diarrhea and toothache


Take one sheet of betel leaf, while on the press in order to roll out and use the oil to clog the nose that secrete darh


Take 4-6 pieces of betel leaf, 6 peppercorns, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
Mash all ingredients together until smooth, then rub on the belly. Repeat until healed


Treatment: In the mouth
1. betel leaves boiled with 2 cups water to boil and then cool the cooking water.
Use boiled water to rinse. Repeated regularly until healed.
2. Take 2 pieces of betel leaf that had been crushed, salt to taste.

The trick, materials tersebuh brewed with 1 cup hot water, then stir until the salt dissolves, let it cool. The water used for rinsing.


Treatment: outside, apply on the itchy
Ingredients: 6 pieces of betel leaf, 1 slice ginger yellow, 1.5 teaspoon eucalyptus oil.

The trick, all the material is crushed together until smooth, then rubbed on the body itching.


Take 7 pieces of betel leaf, and 1 piece of rock sugar.

The trick, betel leaves finely chopped, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. Boiled water taken 3 times a day, each with 3 tablespoons.


Take 7-10 betel leaves.

The trick, betel leaves boiled with 2.5 liters of water to boiling. While still warm, betel leaf boiled water is used to wash and clean up around the genitals repeatedly.

Rabu, 04 September 2013

Traditional medicine Swollen Gums

Traditional medicine Potent Swollen Gums . If you have swollen gums , it certainly is not bad . Let alone for a meal, to speak only if not wanted . Similarly, if you are suffering from mouth ulcer or a sore tooth , it feels pissed . However , you do not need to worry if you are already suffering from swollen gums . Even if the gums are swollen with pus followed , you must remain calm . The disease is not a dangerous disease category . However , it is better if you treat it right immediately using a variety of traditional medicine . With swollen gums traditional medicinal herb that works like this , gum disease or you suffer certainly swollen gradually improved and will disappear by itself . Want to know what information is in the intent of traditional medicine ?
Here are some herbs and natural ingredients that are effective for the treatment of swollen gums traditionally :
1 . Betel leafBetel leaf is a natural antiseptic that has benefits to help cure swollen gum over cebat . This leaves apart easily obtained , are also very potent and efficacious to treat swollen gums . How to use : Take beberpa betel leaves , wash thoroughly and boil until boiling . After the lukewarm , boiled water was used to rinse , 2-3 times a day .
2 . Chilli leaf RawitThe leaves are also believed to be one of the natural remedy swollen gums potent . How to use it quite easy , grab some chili leaves , wash thoroughly and then squeezed / crushed into powder . After the mix with a few drops of water so a little watery . Then use the natural herbs as medicine outside on the cheeks are swollen .
2 In addition to the above materials , there are many other herbs that can be used to treat swollen gums . However , we do not write them all down due to the above is the most efficacious and potent . For maximum results , 2 natural ingredients above can be combined as a single as a mouthwash , and the latter serves as an external medicine .
However , if your gums are still swollen and does not go away , you better consult a doctor immediately subscriptions . This is the last way to avoid things that are not in want . So first we post this evening . Hopefully articles about drug swollen gums above the super potent useful especially for loyal visitors . may be useful for you ..
Our bertrimakasih for your trust

Traditional medicine Back Pain

Ramuan Herbal Obat Sakit Pinggang Tradisional.
Herbal Remedy Traditional Medicine Pain . Back pain is a disease that is more common in most adults , however , the young man was not immune from this disease as the cause of back pain can vary . Among them are a result of lack of water consumption , lethargy , symptoms of arthritis , gout or even because of other specific factors . To heal the pain, the patient can easily buy drugs made ​​from chemicals in the pharmacy , of course with a variety of side effects or long-term risks such as addiction . To avoid this , our team of traditional medicine will try to share a bit of information about traditional medicine back pain that has been passed down for generations by the ancestors of Indonesia .
And below are some natural ingredients that can be used as a traditional pain medicine / herbal . Please scrutiny .
1 . Weeds rootsMaybe some people think that grass weeds were just useless . However , do not underestimate this one plant . For the treatment of back pain , the roots of the grass can be used . The way is to taste the weeds take root and boil until boiling . After a cold , drink boiled water grass roots had a dose of 2 times a day .
2 . Cats whiskerSimilar to above , is also believed to be the cat's whiskers traditional medicine back pain is quite powerful . Therefore , complete your family with the medicinal plants crop this one .
3 . Lily leafUnlike the reeds and cat whiskers which are natural pain remedy from within , daffodil leaves are pain medications to use from the outside . The trick , grab some lily leaves and baked until slightly wilted . After that spread the daffodil leaves using coconut oil . If it is uneven , staying attached to the waist of the sick.
4 . White waterHad already mentioned if the lack of water could cause back pain . Therefore , if you feel pain and low back pain , it is good to consume water in large quantities . At least 8 glasses a day . Nevertheless , note that water is not only a pain medication alone . Many properties and benefits contained in the water , as well as the benefits of honey are also countless .
And as always , our team always recommends natural remedies , if the pain does not subside , consult a doctor immediately for your confidence . This is important because the results of the use of traditional medicine back pain can be different from each person .
So first review our about traditional medicine back pain this morning . May be useful for all visitors . Regards and see you at the next post-post .

Prevent Stroke With Sprouts

Prevent Stroke With Sprouts . So far we are and most people are only familiar with bean sprouts as a food that can increase fertility . But who would have thought , apparently based on the results of a recent study showing that states that atu bean sprouts also have efficacy as a traditional remedy for various diseases . Among them was a stroke , cancer and osteoporosis . Therefore, it is better to prevent stroke with bean sprouts .
On the daily menu , bean sprouts used to be part of a variety of fine dining soto , gado - gado , filling out the content or type of food cooked with other vegetables . There are several kinds of sprouts , such as mung bean sprouts , soy bean sprouts , bean sprouts moyashi , and alfalfa sprouts . Mung bean sprouts and soy is much we know . Moyashi sprouts are sprouts of Japan , looks like mung bean sprouts but its roots are larger and crisper taste . Whereas alfalfa sprouts resemble a kind of delicate leafy green buds with crisp and fresh taste . In addition to the good taste too medicinal , hence the consumption of bean sprouts to the menu maskan you , but that you can prevent stroke with bean sprouts this is not a good start for our health .
An Institute of Food Research ( IFR ) in England found in bean sprouts and cabbage there is a very potent substance to reduce the risk of colon cancer . This substance proven to kill malignant cells cause colon cancer as well as to stop its spread . To avoid colon cancer , consumption of bean sprouts should be 2 to 3 times a week .
Also in the bean sprouts have more vitamins than the form of seeds . During germination , vitamin B levels increased 2.5 to 3-fold . Likewise, vitamin E , an increase of 24-230 mg per 100 grams of dry beans to 117-662 mg per 100 grams of sprouts . Vitamin C is not contained in soybean seeds , begin to form on the first day of germination up to 12 mg per 100 grams after 48 hours .
Increased vitamin B1 ( thiamin ) , B2 ( riboflavin ) , B3 ( niacin ) , pyridoxine , biotin also occur during the process of germination . The process of germination also increase the content of vitamin E ( tocopherol ) is real . Vitamin E has a function , among others, to improve fertility ( fertility ) . That's why couples who wanted to have children is highly recommended to consume sprouts .
If you want to get beautiful skin , bean sprouts , cheap price was very right to be selected because it contains a lot of vitamin E.This vitamin is popular with its ability to nourish the skin since it contains antioxidants that protect cells from free radical attack .
People with risk of stroke and heart attack caused by many blood fat levels soar , it is recommended to eat more sprouts . This is due , in saponin sprouts will destroy a bad fat ( LDL ) without megganggu good fat ( HDL ) . And saponins which can be obtained in large alfalfa sprouts when the grain to sprout , which generally saponinnya levels rose 450 percent .
Vegetable sprouts also called the richest food enzymes , estimated to number 100 times higher than the enzyme in fruit and vegetables . Natural estrogen contained in sprouts is very beneficial for women . Eating habits sprouts help women avoid breast cancer , premenstrual disorders ( premenstrual syndrome / PMS ) , as well as the disruption caused by menopause . Estrogen in sprouts can significantly increase bone density , bone structure and prevent the rottenness of the bones .
So many benefits that can be of vegetable sprouts in this , it would be nice if from now on you put the bean sprouts to the list of menus and dishes you do not need every day just two or three days , in addition to the vegetables is very suitable for those of you who bleed high so that you can prevent a stroke with the bean sprouts . May be useful .

Traditional herbs Powerful Antacid

Powerful Antacid Traditional herbs and efficacious . Never felt heartburn ? If ever , of the pain is not playing . Besides stomach knotted , ulcer disease is usually accompanied by abdominal bloating , pain in the gut , hard tahak / burp when satiety and also dizziness or headaches . Furthermore , heartburn sufferers also experience a decrease in appetite . Broadly speaking , ulcer diseases can occur due to an interruption in the stomach where gastric acid levels are high enough . Cause of heartburn can be a wide range, but most often it is due to irregular eating patterns , often staying up late , drinking coffee addiction , stress and others. For traditional healing , the people of Indonesia had several famous ulcer drug itself is quite powerful . Perhaps most visitors already know a lot about traditional medicines potent ulcer disease , but there is no harm if the herb reviewed again .
One natural prescription ulcer drug best known by Indonesian people are consuming turmeric water . Scientifically , research on turmeric has been done from 1953 . And the results , absolutely incredible for being able to accelerate the wound healing process in the stomach akib heartburn . In fact , the ekseperimen conducted on animals such as rabbits and mice , the process is increased by approximately 24 % . In addition , turmeric water is also believed to neutralize and reduce stomach acid and treat infections of the mucous membrane of the stomach . Does not end there , turmeric is also beneficial for relieving pain due to irritation of the mucous membranes and reduce pain caused by muscle spasms stomach wall .
Below are some natural ingredients that can be used as a traditional medicinal herb ulcer following a powerful way of its use .
1 . turmericTake two sections of turmeric after it peeled and then wash thoroughly . Turmeric is already clean then grated and squeezed for juice taken with the help of lukewarm water . The turmeric juice drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon . Within a few days could definitely feel his usefulness .
2 . aloe veraAloe vera is known also good for the treatment of heartburn because it contains resins , polysaccharides , tannins emodin and aloin . In addition , a substance contained in Aloctin aloe vera is also able to inhibit gastric acid secretion . How to use : Take 1 stick of aloe vera which is rather large . Peel the skin to stay a little mucus and wash thoroughly . After that just eaten . If you do not dare to taste the bitterness , can jga in a blender and then swallowed .
Traditional herb Potent Drugs Ulcer pain .
3 . plantainThe fruit is able to protect the mucous membranes caused by increased stomach acid because it contains antitukak peptic . How to use : choose bananas that are old but not yet ripe . Cut the banana into small chips resemble . Drying the pieces with aerated . Once dry , blender or mash until it looks like flour . How to consume enough mix 2 tablespoons of powder with honey banana flavored drink in the morning and evening .
4 . goat milkFor the treatment of ulcers , drinking a glass of goat's milk regularly because milk goat has a base that can neutralize stomach acid superfluous .
5 . cassavaHow to use : Grate the sweet potatoes that have been peeled and washed thoroughly . Squeeze the grated until there are deposits of cider / starch . The precipitate eat regularly in the morning and afternoon .
6 . Green beansGreen beans are also very useful for the treatment of heartburn because it can thicken the lining of the stomach . In addition , it can also neutralize excess stomach acid levels . How to consume enough food homemade green bean porridge without milk . Try not to cook it too long . Eating porridge in the morning and evening routine .
That bit of information about traditional medicinal herbs potent ulcer can we say now. The most important fact is to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that no ulcer disease . But if you are already sick , please do not hesitate to try a traditional medicinal herb potent and efficacious ulcer above . Anyone know the pain of a speedy recovery . Lastly, if your heartburn persists , get medical attention. Regards and see you .