Herbal Remedy Traditional Medicine Pain . Back
pain is a disease that is more common in most adults , however , the
young man was not immune from this disease as the cause of back pain can
vary . Among
them are a result of lack of water consumption , lethargy , symptoms of
arthritis , gout or even because of other specific factors . To
heal the pain, the patient can easily buy drugs made from chemicals
in the pharmacy , of course with a variety of side effects or long-term
risks such as addiction . To
avoid this , our team of traditional medicine will try to share a bit
of information about traditional medicine back pain that has been passed
down for generations by the ancestors of Indonesia .
And below are some natural ingredients that can be used as a traditional pain medicine / herbal . Please scrutiny .
1 . Weeds rootsMaybe some people think that grass weeds were just useless . However , do not underestimate this one plant . For the treatment of back pain , the roots of the grass can be used . The way is to taste the weeds take root and boil until boiling . After a cold , drink boiled water grass roots had a dose of 2 times a day .
2 . Cats whiskerSimilar to above , is also believed to be the cat's whiskers traditional medicine back pain is quite powerful . Therefore , complete your family with the medicinal plants crop this one .
3 . Lily leafUnlike the reeds and cat whiskers which are natural pain remedy from within , daffodil leaves are pain medications to use from the outside . The trick , grab some lily leaves and baked until slightly wilted . After that spread the daffodil leaves using coconut oil . If it is uneven , staying attached to the waist of the sick.
4 . White waterHad already mentioned if the lack of water could cause back pain . Therefore , if you feel pain and low back pain , it is good to consume water in large quantities . At least 8 glasses a day . Nevertheless , note that water is not only a pain medication alone . Many properties and benefits contained in the water , as well as the benefits of honey are also countless .
And as always , our team always recommends natural remedies , if the pain does not subside , consult a doctor immediately for your confidence . This is important because the results of the use of traditional medicine back pain can be different from each person .
So first review our about traditional medicine back pain this morning . May be useful for all visitors . Regards and see you at the next post-post .
And below are some natural ingredients that can be used as a traditional pain medicine / herbal . Please scrutiny .
1 . Weeds rootsMaybe some people think that grass weeds were just useless . However , do not underestimate this one plant . For the treatment of back pain , the roots of the grass can be used . The way is to taste the weeds take root and boil until boiling . After a cold , drink boiled water grass roots had a dose of 2 times a day .
2 . Cats whiskerSimilar to above , is also believed to be the cat's whiskers traditional medicine back pain is quite powerful . Therefore , complete your family with the medicinal plants crop this one .
3 . Lily leafUnlike the reeds and cat whiskers which are natural pain remedy from within , daffodil leaves are pain medications to use from the outside . The trick , grab some lily leaves and baked until slightly wilted . After that spread the daffodil leaves using coconut oil . If it is uneven , staying attached to the waist of the sick.
4 . White waterHad already mentioned if the lack of water could cause back pain . Therefore , if you feel pain and low back pain , it is good to consume water in large quantities . At least 8 glasses a day . Nevertheless , note that water is not only a pain medication alone . Many properties and benefits contained in the water , as well as the benefits of honey are also countless .
And as always , our team always recommends natural remedies , if the pain does not subside , consult a doctor immediately for your confidence . This is important because the results of the use of traditional medicine back pain can be different from each person .
So first review our about traditional medicine back pain this morning . May be useful for all visitors . Regards and see you at the next post-post .
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