Cat whiskers. It is a medicinal plant which is very odd sounding name, but make no mistake, behind the strangeness of his name a million cats whiskers containing health benefits for our bodies. Usually the cats whiskers grow wild in the fields, edges own ends or in places that contain moisture.
Cat whiskers apparently from the root to the tip of the leaves can be utilized as a substitute for chemical drugs,. Because the cat's whiskers can we make as a herbal medicine to treat difficult urination, kidney stones, diabetes and back pain. how can? It could be why.
Well, here is a prescription treatment of some diseases terseut above along with cat whiskers measuring:
difficulty urinating
Fresh leaves cat whiskers fourth cell; 1 cup water, boiled to obtain fluid half cup, drunk every day 2 times and every time I drink 1/2 cup
kidney stones
6 g Herba cat whiskers; Herba meniran 7 trees of Water 110 ml, Made infusion, drink 2 times a day, each time drank 100 ml
20 strands of leaf cat whiskers; leaves a bitter 20 strands of Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day; 100 ml
Leaves 1 handful fresh cat whiskers; papaya bark area of 4 cm2 of Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day 100 ml
Cat whiskers apparently from the root to the tip of the leaves can be utilized as a substitute for chemical drugs,. Because the cat's whiskers can we make as a herbal medicine to treat difficult urination, kidney stones, diabetes and back pain. how can? It could be why.
Well, here is a prescription treatment of some diseases terseut above along with cat whiskers measuring:
difficulty urinating
Fresh leaves cat whiskers fourth cell; 1 cup water, boiled to obtain fluid half cup, drunk every day 2 times and every time I drink 1/2 cup
kidney stones
6 g Herba cat whiskers; Herba meniran 7 trees of Water 110 ml, Made infusion, drink 2 times a day, each time drank 100 ml
20 strands of leaf cat whiskers; leaves a bitter 20 strands of Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day; 100 ml
Leaves 1 handful fresh cat whiskers; papaya bark area of 4 cm2 of Water 110 ml, Made infusion, Drink 1 a day 100 ml
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